Solutions to Chork's Puzzles

Solutions to the puzzles on the Chork's Puzzle site!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Puzzle 19 Solution

Travel time elapsed = (16/66) x 60
= 14 6/11 min

The hands of a clock cross at 12 o'clock and they cross 11 times in 12 hours, which is every
1 1/11 hours, which is:
1 hour 5 5/11min

We are looking at a multiple of that that would end with a 6/11 so that when the 14 6/11 min is subtracted off, it gives a full minute. This can only happen at the tenth time to hands of the hands cross, ie. 10 hours 54 6/11 min after 12:00.

Subtracting 14 6/11 min, we get the time which Jon sets off, which is 10:40

Answer: 10:40


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